New Super Hero Comics On Sale: Week Of December 25
By Nick Tylwalk
Merry Christmas everyone! It’s a day late, sure, but the thought remains the same. Hopefully you found all the super hero-related things you were wishing for under the tree or in your stocking.
Speaking of a day late, most of us had to wait an extra day to get the new comics due out this week. Marvel and DC made it easier to deal with the holiday delay by scaling back on what came out during Christmas, but there were some notable releases nonetheless. Specifically, the Avengers are having their post-“Infinity,” semi-relaunch, while “Forever Evil” steamrolls onward and over the Justice League.
Here’s what to look for in your pull box and on the shelves once you’ve decided to brave the elements (here in PA, anyway) and made the trek to your LCS:
- “Avengers” #24.1
- “Origin II” #1 (of 5)
- “Forever Evil” #4 (of 7)
- “Justice League” #26
Bam Smack Pow needs you! If you’ve always wanted to write about anything related to comic book super heroes, this is your big chance. We’re looking for writers to cover anything that features super heroes: movies, TV, cartoons, video games, toys, cosplay, and of course, comics. Experience is helpful, but passion is the biggest prerequisite. The positions are unpaid, but your work will be exposed to the whole Fansided network and its monthly audience of millions. If you want to join us on this journey, contact Nick Tylwalk at or follow our Twitter feed @bamsmackpow.