The CW still hasn’t officially picked up “The Flash” pilot, but things are appropriately speeding ahead on the casting front. This week saw three both potential villains and a supporting cast member join the show, giving some additional insight into who Barry Allen might run into during his first set of adventures.
Deadline reported that Rick Cosnett and Danielle Panabaker have been hired to play Detective Eddie Thawne and bioengineering expert Caitlin Snow, respectively. CBR points out something longtime comics fans may already suspect: that Thawne is probably the show’s take on Professor Zoom/Reverse-Flash. And since Snow is the secret identity of the second New 52 version of Killer Frost, The Flash could have several villains to deal with right away—though if the series follows the same pacing as sister CW show “Arrow,” it may take some time for them to rear their heads.
Earlier in the week, TV veteran Jesse L. Martin was tapped to play Detective West, rumored to be the father of Iris West and perhaps a surrogate father of sorts to Barry Allen. The cast is anchored by Grant Gustin as Allen, who sounds like he will be following his New 52 backstory of trying to get to the bottom of his mother’s murder and his father’s possibly incorrect imprisonment for the crime.
Come to think of it, that sounds like the perfect fodder for the type of soap opera elements that appear in any CW show, “Arrow” included. We’ve already seen the accident that gives Allen his powers on that show, so he should be able to hit the ground running (pun fully intended) this fall. Now all we need to see is a costume and the excitement can really get cranked up.
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