One of the primary roles in Fox's upcoming show "Gotham," which looks one..."/> One of the primary roles in Fox's upcoming show "Gotham," which looks one..."/>

Gotham Gets Its Gordon: Ben McKenzie Cast As The Man Who Would Be Commissioner


One of the primary roles in Fox’s upcoming show “Gotham,” which looks one of the most famous cities in the DC universe before Batman arrives, has been cast. Ben McKenzie of “The O.C.” and Southland will play Detective James Gordon, the man who—spoilers—goes on to become Commissioner Gordon, Gotham City’s moral compass and ally to a certain Dark Knight.

The other main roles would seem to be Bruce Wayne, who apparently begins the first season at around age 12, and the people who will become some of Batman’s most famous villains. According to an article in Deadline, this means big ones like Joker, Penguin, Riddler and Catwoman.

Executive producer Bruno Heller should be able to poke around in the minds of the bad guys to good effect since he helped create the serial killer Red John on his show “The Mentalist.” Also on board is Danny Cannon, whose credits include directing and producing episodes of multiple “C.S.I.” series.

The only bummer is that since “Gotham” will be airing on Fox, it won’t be included in the same TV universe as “Arrow” or “The Flash,” which is expected to debut this fall. But more super heroes on TV is almost always a good thing, and Gotham City is about as rich a location for stories as there is in comics.

(via Comic Book Resources)


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