When it was announced at Comic-Con this past summer that DC’s two most popular characters would finally be meeting on the big screen, fans went nuts. The July 2015 release date was starting to become the most looked forward to date on the 2015 calendar and thanks to Star Wars Episode VII moving back to December, Batman vs. Superman was quickly becoming the hottest movie of the summer season.
Not anymore though, as the film has been pushed back by Warner Bros. The unthinkable move was announced straight from the studio and echoed in the deathly silent halls of comic book circles everywhere. The Hollywood Reporter and Variety have revealed that the film has been delayed until 2016 and will not be coming out during the summer of 2015.
The new official release date for Batman vs. Superman is now May 6, 2016 which means it was just pushed back 10 months. Still, that’s dangerously close to being pushed back a whole year and the film has already been placed in a new summer season.
The reason for the delay seems to be that the script needs work and that the re-writes are taking longer than expected. Having the movie pushed back isn’t what fans wanted to hear but at least Warner Bros isn’t trying to rush out a half finished product just for the sake of releasing it.
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