Today Is Your Last Chance To Get 100 Digital Comics From ComiXology Submit For Just $10
By Nick Tylwalk
Considering that most digital comics start at $0.99 an issue and only get more expensive from there, getting 100 for just $10 is a pretty sweet deal. Thanks to comiXology, you can take advantage of that exact deal right now, but only until tonight (Monday, March 10) at 11 pm EST.
As announced at SXSW, the sale commemorates the one-year anniversary of the comiXology Submit program, which allows indie creators to submit their comics and graphic novels for self-publishing for free — or at least for no money up front, as comiXology gets half of the revenue from all sales. Still, since the “up front” part is the major obstacle for most people looking to self-publish, it’s easy to see how this would be an attractive arrangement.
The 100 digital comics are supposed to represent the best of the first year of comiXology Submit, and as they tick off over 40 of the genre tags on the site, it’s a safe bet there’s something in the bundle for just about any taste. Considering a few of the books sold for $9.99 all by themselves, the sheer amount of content for the price is hard to beat.
A full list of all the books included in the deal is on this page, and you can order right from there. And on the off chance that you’re an aspiring comics creator interested in digital self-publishing, you may want to investigate the comiXology Submit program for yourself.
Oh, and if you’re reading this after the sale is over, my apologies. Maybe if you ask comiXology really nicely, the people there may still sell you some other digital comics at a discount price, but it probably won’t be an offer quite like this.