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Spider-Man delivers a package to Stan Lee in new USPS commercial


A still image from the Spider-Man UPS advert

Sony continue their huge advertising branch-out after previously having Spider-Man invade the world of Barcelona and Real Madrid footballers to advertise almost everything. This time it’s the delivery giants U.S. Postal Service getting the Spider-Man treatment and you can check out the new advertisement video below. But first here’s the description from USPS

"The U.S. Postal Service® and Spider-Man are two timeless and powerful heroes with similar characteristics; Speed, Agility, and Reliability. USPS is dependable and consistently delivers. Spider-Man is exceptional and there when needed most. Together they continue to go to great lengths to deliver for you, no matter what."


So, as cheesy as that was it was kind of cool to see Stan Lee because it’s always cool to see Stan Lee. I do wonder what was in that package that was so important though…. Anyway there is also a small added bonus for Spider-Fans out there. If you go to USPS.com you can order custom Spider-Man boxes for your own mail, which is pretty cool!

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