As his own personal contribution to the year long celebration of Batman’s 75th anniversary Bruce Timm has done an animated short called Batman Strange Days. You may recall I talked about it when some of the first images of the short came out, you can see that article here. According to the short aired on Cartoon Network last night on April 9th. You can see the video of the short below.
As I said in my last article regarding Batman Strange Days, I love the animation style. I like that this short harkens back to Batman’s origin, being in black and white and using the older animation style. I’m a little disappointed at the length, I know it’s a short but I was expecting it to be around 5 minutes long, not almost 3. I also take issue with the fact that Batman just lets Doctor Strange fall to what I have to assume is a painful death when he and his victim fall off the cliff. Batman doesn’t kill, he also actively tries to prevent any death in front of him. Batman could have dove off the cliff caught the girl, hooked Strange and grappled the three of them to safety, in fact I’m pretty sure that he has done that before. Overall I thought it was good, and now I just wish for a longer version, a fleshed out version of the story.
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