“Guardians Of The Galaxy” Trailer Release


Fans have been clamoring for it since the teaser trailer came out in February. Even then, people weren’t quite sure how to take in its irreverence, for lack of a better word; compared to the likes of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, the upcoming installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe — Guardians of the Galaxy — looks like a change in pace.

Check out the first full trailer below and we’ll talk about it after (apologies that it has to be a link to the Facebook page–Disney keeps taking it down from Youtube):

As a personal side-note, this movie has become some sort of mantra for me and my oldest brother. We know very little about Guardians of the Galaxy, but how Marvel has treated everything it has put out, we couldn’t be more excited. Plus, we have a running joke that he will be skipping the birth of his first-born child to see this movie (Baby has a due date of August 2nd).

Let’s jump right in.

Broad Overview Opinion: The more the studio releases about this movie, the crazier it’s looking. That’s a good thing.

In a world where our comic book heroes are constantly becoming darker in their movie portrayals (see: The Dark Knight Batman trilogy, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Man of Steel, the upcoming Batman vs. Superman), something so lighthearted and downright silly might be exactly what’s needed.

“So here we are,” begins Peter Quill as your only introduction to these characters in this trailer. “A thief, two thugs, an assassin, and a maniac.”

We get yet another song, though slightly less ridiculous than “Hooked on a Feeling:” “Spirit in the Sky” by Norman Greenbaum. Fitting, really, as the trailer discusses how the fate of twelve billion people is in the hands of this ragtag team.

There’s a first look at Ronan the Accuser as well as Glenn Close as Irani Rael. And a lot — a lot — of action. That Marvel special on ABC mentioned all of the movies being different genres and this one looks to be straight up science fiction.

And it looks glorious.

One thing I have noticed while browsing the internets is that many people have voiced concerns over Rocket Raccoon’s voice. In recent iterations, he’s had a Cockey accent that many people have likened to Jason Statham (have a poll from 2012 of who should be voicing Rocket).

In the trailer, we finally get to hear Bradley Cooper’s take on the furry killing machine. Multiple lines of it, too! It’s still not much to go by, but one thing you can tell is that it’s zero-percent British. To me, it sounds almost nerdy New York-ish. For a machine gun-wielding raccoon, it may work out just fine.

Random Observations: We hear our very first “I am Groot” uttered by the walking ent tree. We see a quick flash of Benicio del Toro’s The Collector. No one knows who Star-Lord is. Groot looks like a complete badass. The visual effects look stunning, especially around the 1:23 mark with whatever Groot is letting float up into the air around them all.

“This might not be the best idea,” mutters John C. Reilly’s character, the last line of the trailer. That’s what most people have thought of since this movie was announced; Marvel took a huge risk in creating a movie around this lesser-known comic series. Only time will tell if it pays off, but by the looks of the trailer, they still seem to know what they are doing.

For any more background, behind-the-scenes information you may want to ingest regarding Guardians of the Galaxy, they did a Q&A with James Gunn, Kevin Feige, and a bunch of the cast at the GotG Facebook page.

So are you as excited for this movie as I am? Or am I completely crazy? Is everyone else going to have “Spirit in the Sky” stuck in their head for the next week?