First Look at Clark Kent from ‘Batman v Superman’?

Yesterday a photo cropped up online supposedly depicting our ‘first look’ at Clark Kent from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Turns out that it was Henry Cavill in the photo, and he was wearing a suit, but that it may not necessarily be any kind of reveal. The photo was released by a charity that Cavill supports, and not the studio or anyone else involved with the film’s production. That makes it unlikely that anything spoiler-y or even something that the studio wants to reveal themselves wouldn’t show up in an official release of someone else’s.

"It was released by the Royal Marines Charitable Trust Fund. You can see the style of the long brown coat and dress slacks, with a dark blue dress shirt and grey tie, next to him his chair labelled “Clark,” against the background of the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice set in Michigan. The shirt Henry Cavill holds is from the Royal Marines Charitable Trust Fund 1664 Challenge, a charity the actor supports whose goal is to provide a “better quality of life to serving and retired Royal Marines and their families.”"

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It still could be an outfit worn by Kent in the film, but this isn’t really a ‘first look’ at the character. I’ll wait for the glasses.

Here’s Cavill on the charity itself.

"Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, is from director Zack Snyder and stars Henry Cavill as Clark Kent/Superman, Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne/Batman, Gal Gadot as Diana Prince/Wonder Woman, with Amy Adams, Laurence Fishburne and Diane Lane returning from “Man of Steel,” Also are Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor, Jeremy Irons as Alfred, and Holly Hunter in a role newly created for the film. Opens May 6, 2016. Distributed by Warner Bros Pictures."

Source: Man of Steel Fanpage

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