‘Batman v Superman’ Adds Photos and Villains!

Big day for Batman v Superman news! Not only have we been given our first look at Henry Cavill as Superman, but reports are coming in that they’ve added a slew of villains to the film!

First up: that Supes photo

This comes from USA Today, who did an interview with Zach Snyder.

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"You can talk all you want about other superhero movies, but it’s Batman and Superman, let’s just be honest. I don’t know how you get bigger than that."

Yep. I still hate that suit. Guess they’re running with it, though.

Now, let’s take a look at the villains in question.

Victor Zsaz

A Batman villain who appeared briefly in Batman Begins (David Goyer must love this guy).

"While he was attempting to commit suicide by jumping from Gotham Bridge, a homeless man tried to assault him with a knife after he refused to give him money. Instinctively grabbing the knife, Zsasz saw in the man’s eyes that all life is meaningless and that nothing nor anyone matters. He then proceeded to stab the man to death as a “gift” for saving his life. From then on, he dedicated himself to “liberating” others from their pointless existence (Zsasz often refers to victims as “zombies“). He usually preys on young women, but has no qualms over whom he murders. He slits his victims’ throats and leaves them in lifelike poses, adding a tally mark to himself each time. He has been diagnosed as insane and is regularly incarcerated in Arkham Asylum courtesy of Batman, breaking out on occasion to carry on killing. Wikipedia"

Morgan Edge

There are several incarnations of Edge throughout the DCU, including Smallville. Sometimes he’s a product of Darksied’s twisted influence, others he’s just a crime boss and CEO of the Galactic Broadcasting System in Metropolis.

"Morgan Edge is a media mogul and personality who owns the Galaxy Communications company, a competitor to the Daily Planet. His organization’s connections to Intergang have made him a direct servant of the evil Darkseid on Earth. This position has made him an antagonist to Superman and an ally to his alter ego Clark Kent. DC Comics Database"

David Cain

An assassin that ties into Ra’s Al Ghul’s League.

"One of the things that had made Cain such a dangerous person was his careful planing and preparation for the future. This caused Cain to seek an apprentice to train and become his eventual successor. Cain introduced the idea to the leader of the League of Assassins who was  Ra’s al Ghul. Ra’s agreed with Cain’s plan as Ra’s wanted the apprentice that Cain would train to be a body guard for him.     ComicVine"

Word on the street is that they’ve added one more non-villain to the cast…

Amanda Waller

Again, a character with many on screen incarnations, appearing in SmallvilleGreen Lantern, Arrow, and Justice League Unlimited. She should ALWAYS be played by CCH Pounder.

"Amanda “The Wall” Waller is a hardline top-ranking U.S. Government agent involved in clandestine operations. Despite her non-threatening physical appearance, she is almost universally feared as one of the most ruthless women in espionage and politics. She created and runs the Suicide Squad, a team of super-villains running missions for the government in exchange for reduced prison sentences; she has also been involved withAgency, Checkmate, the Shadow Fighters, and once led the Secret Six as Mockingbird."
"DC Comics Database."

This is a perfect opportunity to tie in the TV and Cinematic universes together, like I’ve been ranting about recently.

Source: Latino Review

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