Five More DC Heroes Who Would Be Perfect For Arrow

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We’ve already seen Arrow spin-off The Flash into its own series, and new additions to the roster of guest stars for this fall include The Atom and Katana. Maybe we should just stop there and be satisfied. After all, even the most awesome super hero shows or movies can get bogged down by having too many characters.

Eh, who are we kidding? We’re talking about transplanting DC comic characters into other forms of pop culture, and there’s no real room for moderation when you’re doing that.

Season 3 of Arrow may be pretty much planned out at this point, but if the producers want any ideas for more guest stars for Season 4 or beyond, here are five suggestions.


Some of the best character interactions from the Satellite Era of the Justice League of America came from the philosophical differences between Hawkman and Green Arrow, and even though the Oliver Queen on TV doesn’t think exactly the same way as his comics incarnation, there’s a great opportunity for someone to show up and challenge the Arrow’s approach to solving the problems of Starling City — especially since the end of Season 2 left everyone on Team Arrow more or less on the same page. Carter Hall could easily be the catalyst for some additional tension.

Sure, his history is confusing. In fact the pre-New 52 Hawkman has arguably the messiest continuity of any super hero around, but that just gives the writers more latitude to pick and choose what they’d like. Assuming they ignore the Thangarian part, his Nth metal and powers can still be played in a more sci-fi or mystical direction as needed. Surely the artificially induced tremors that played a part in the Season 1 finale could have stirred up something that would interest Hall in his secret identity as an archaeologist.

One more issue is Hawkman’s costume, which might be a little over the top for Arrow. Still, with the Flash zipping around in the next town over, it’s probably still not as outlandish as a man zipping around in all red at supersonic speeds, and the show’s producers haven’t had too much trouble coming up with toned-down outfits for the characters with the most garish threads. They could figure out a way to make Hawkman work.