This is one of those times the headline pretty much speaks for itself. Spinoff Online picked up on a video interview Mark Ruffalo gave to Total Film, where the man who brought new life to Bruce Banner revealed that Avengers: Age of Ultron will dig into the returning team members in more detail while expanding the scope and setting a darker tone. He also called Ultron “incredible.”
This all sounds great. Age of Ultron almost has to be bigger, not only because it’s an unwritten law of sequels, but also because despite the very sizable threat posed by Loki and the Chitauris, it was only really New York that was in peril during the first movie. It’s also great to hear that there are more character bits with Captain America, Thor and the gang, because there’s a very real danger that introducing Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver and the Vision would eat up too much time for that.
As for Ruffalo dishing on “more Science Bros stuff,” it’s no secret that fans loved pretty much any interaction between Ruffalo’s Banner and Robert Downey Jr.’s Tony Stark that’s taken place in previous Marvel films. Let’s just hope they’re able to keep up the witty banter after it becomes clear that they’ve cooked up some bad mojo in Ultron.
May 1 of next year can’t get here soon enough.