SDCC 2014: Miller, Morrison And Snyder On One Batman Panel

Since Batman has probably had more different yet awesome interpretations than any other comic book character — and perhaps any fictional character, period — it’s only fitting that DC try to gather the men responsible for some of the most memorable ones together on one panel at San Diego Comic-Con.

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That’s exactly what’s happening on the afternoon of Thursday, July 24, when the Batman 75: Legends of the Dark Knight panel takes place. Quite simply, it puts some of the most renowned creators to work on Batman in the same room, from Denny O’Neal and Neal Adams to the current team of Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo, for what’s certain to be one heck of an interesting hour.

DC’s official statement describes it this way:

"Batman 75: Legends of The Dark Knight – In celebration of Batman’s 75-year history, join comic icons Frank Miller, Grant Morrison, DCE Co-Publisher and renowned Batman artist Jim Lee (BATMAN: HUSH), DCE Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns (BATMAN: EARTH ONE), current BATMAN creative team, writer Scott Snyder and artist Greg Capullo, along with vintage superstar BATMAN team writer Denny O’Neil and artist Neal Adams in an in-depth discussion on the legendary character’s explosive adventures in comics both past and present. Thursday 3:30-4:30pm Room 6BCF"

Think about that for a moment. Miller, Morrison, O’Neil and Snyder, plus Adams and Capullo. It’s almost like Johns and Lee are throw-ins in this deal.