SDCC 2014: See, Then Win A Full-Sized Game Of Thrones White Walker

Even without having attended San Diego Comic-Con in person, I can tell you that attendees aren’t lacking for photo ops. It’s a veritable cornucopia of pop culture all under one very big roof.

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But how many of those photo ops will let you take home a prop guaranteed to both impress and possibly frighten your friends and relatives? Not many, I’d wager, and probably none as of the moment as a full-sized White Walker from Game of Thrones.

GeekNation and Blackout Cigs are making it happen. Not only will there be a life-sized White Walker on the show floor for pictures, the companies are having a raffle that will award it to one lucky winner.

How do you get it home? Good question! Assuming it doesn’t really have the power to create an undead horse to ride back to your house, you may have to stuff him in a vehicle and hope for the best. You may want to keep the AC cranked all the way up, but at least no one is going to cut you off in traffic.

Is there some irony in an e-cig manufacturer helping to bring to life a creature whose thralls can be killed by fire? Quite possibly, but this is undeniably cool for any Game of Thrones fan. Keep an eye on GeekNation for more details on how you can enter and win the White Walker. And good luck!