Guardians Of The Galaxy Movie Tickets On Sale Now

Maybe this is already common knowledge and it’s only news to me. That’s quite possible, because I’m an old head who doesn’t have a smartphone and still likes to buy my movie tickets by walking up to the counter and handing the attendant some cash.

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But just in case anyone out there doesn’t realize it, you can get your tickets for Guardians of the Galaxy now even though it won’t show up in multiplexes (wait, is that even still a word?) near you until August 1. Fandango makes it possible, offering online purchases for showtimes as early as the night of July 31 at 7 pm. Why don’t they just say the movie is coming out on July 31? Beats me.

If anyone lives near Central PA and wants to join me on opening night at the Regal Harrisburg Stadium 14, we can discuss that later. Otherwise, go on and grab your Guardians of the Galaxy tickets now so we don’t have to fill our review and discussion posts with spoiler warnings. I hear there’s even one of those new-fangled apps so you can buy tickets on your phone. Crazy kids.


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