‘Batman v Superman’ Photo Shoot Happened

Batman v Superman cinematographer Larry Fong recently tweeted a photo from the set of the currently filming superhero epic.

@ClayEnos retweeted the photos and added, “What a fun, historic day. Thanks to everyone involved.” Then, Mr.Fong replied, “Not gonna lie; I got a bit of the chills there for a second.”

This, of course, sparked some conversation. When pressed about whether the world would see the photos in question at Comic-Con in a couple of weeks he replied, “Weeks!? We’ve just started filming this thing. I’m as excited as the next guy, but my stuff won’t be seen for quite some time. Maybe in 2015. Usually that stuff is made towards to end of filming or just after wrap.” Sounds pretty definitive. It corresponds to the lack of an official panel at Comic-Con, since they will likely wait till later in the year or next year to give us of anything. I’ll be able to confirm of amend that 2 weeks from now.

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