Gary Oldman isn’t Optimistic About ‘Batman v Superman’

Gary Oldman – Jim Gordon in Chris Nolan’s Batman trilogy – isn’t convinced Batman v Superman is going to be the masterpiece DC is hoping. He had this to say in a recent interview with Yahoo! Movies:

Credit: Warner Bros.

"They want to keep it going. Of course they do. But, it’s Superman yeah? Batman and Superman together? We shall see. The thing about Nolan, there was some grounding of reality to it. In our trilogy, and as fantastical and as big as The Joker was, it was based [on reality]… we could relate to it. But now we’ve got a Batman and we’ve got a guy who can fly who’s an alien?! We’ll have to see…It’s got big shoes to fill."

I can’t say I disagree. Not because of the inclusion of Superman, but because grounded, character driven drama was the foundation of those films. So far, well crafted emotional weight doesn’t seem to be one of the burdens of the project. I sincerely hope they take a few lessons from Nolan and genuinely make us care about Batman and Superman. If that’s the case, then it doesn’t matter who can fly or who wears a costume. It’ll be the characters that matter.

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