Batman: Court of Owls Review from Caped Crusades

Warning: Spoilers ahead

I know I know, Court of Owls came out in 2012, but I just got my copy of it today and read it for the first so I decided to review it for my fans, just in case there are any like me, who haven’t gotten around to reading it. Batman: Court of Owls was written by Scott Snyder with art by Greg Capullo. I love Greg Capullo’s art the guy is amazing, and I am pretty proud to say that I got to interview him back in April of this year. He and Scott Snyder make an awesome team, and I know from talking to Greg that the two are also good friends. I was so happy to see Dick Tim and Damian together at the benefit Bruce held for his new charity project.

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I really can’t wait to go pick City of Owls, but it’s probably going to be awhile before I can afford to go on another comic book shopping spree like I did yesterday, I bought 7 comics and Court of Owls. I was laughing my head off when reading the opening scene where Batman was fighting the breakout at Arkham and the Joker jumped in to help. So imagine my disappointment when it turned out to be Dick in disguise. Also I suspected from the very beginning that Dick was supposed to be a Talon, and I’m worried that he still might end up a Talon in City of Owls, I just have a feeling. Oh, also I don’t trust Lincoln March, I suspect he’s probably a member of the Court, never trust a character who has just been introduced as a good guy.

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