Caped Crusades Review of Batgirl #19 and Grayson #1

Since I bought a bunch of new comic books yesterday I thought I would go ahead and briefly review the ones I have already gotten through, so here is Batgirl #19 and Grayson #1. When Batgirl #19 originally came out in April of 2013 I was so excited, as you can see from the old article I wrote about it that we posted here yesterday. Well I finally read the comic last night and here are my thoughts.

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Alysia’s transgender nature was not made into a big deal which is good but you don’t see her accept for her confession in the first two or three pages which was a little disappointing. It seems really odd to me that though Barbara told her mother that she was Batgirl, and her brother figured out she was Batgirl but her father, who was a good enough detective to be made commissioner can’t figure it out. From what I have seen, Gordon has always suspected that Bruce is Batman and that Barbara is Batgirl and just feels that if he doesn’t know for sure he won’t have to act on the information. And although I’m glad I bought the comic I wish I had read it in the store so I could have read #20 up to the current issue to see where they took Alysia after this issue.

Grayson #1 written by Tim Seeley with art by Mikel Janin, came out on the ninth of July and I read it last night and here’s what I thought of it. First of all the art is good, I love the way Dick looks in Grayson and Helena is beautiful. Speaking of Helena I hope that she can be trusted but i seriously doubt it. I also suspect that there will be a romance between Dick and Helena, whether she is good or bad. First impression of Spyral is that it’s basically SHIELD without Hydra but probably more sinister. I also am fairly sure that the guy Dick brought in for Spyral, Ninel Dubov is alive as they claimed he was. my guess is they murdered him to get out the implant in his abdomen. Lastly I wonder what nefarious plot Spyral has in mind once they know all the true identities of the superheroes they are investigating.

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