DC Admits ‘Arrow’ and ‘Justice League’ Universes are Seperate

This is the question we’ve been asking ourselves ever since we heard the Man of Steel sequel is building to a Justice League movie. Will Arrow and The Flash be the same incarnations in the cinematic universe as they are on TV? Well, it seems that we have our answer. Sadly, it’s ‘no’.

That means DC -formerly the company known for cohesive continuity- will likely have 2 people playing The Flash and possibly Green Arrow at the same time. I feel like this causes them to not only miss out on an a massive consolidation of fanbases, but also will alienate fans who want to see some consistency with their universes. I wrote an article about this very topic in which you can hear me rant about why this isn’t a good idea.  

Let’s just hope they don’t leave either of those characters out of the Justice League just to avoid the problem. I suppose this also means Gotham will be out of continuity as well. Since it’s a prequel, I feel like that’s missing out on a whole new set of cross promotion.

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