Caped Crusades Review: Batman Eternal #15 and Batwoman #33

Here are the Caped Crusades reviews for two more of the comics I picked up on my last comic book run, Batman Eternal #15 and Batwoman #33!

Batman Eternal #15 is written by Scott Snyder and James Tynion IV with art by Dustin Nguyen! First of all I’m going to admit that I was a little lost reading this as I have not read any of Batman Eternal before now. I do so love Scott Snyder’s storytelling, and I actually really like comics with multiple storylines all happening at once, even if I was a little lost in this case. The art for Batman Eternal is really great, the whole Batman Family looks fantastic! I’m now thinking that I ought to read Batman Eternal 1-14 to catch myself up on what all is going on in the various storylines.

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Batwoman #33 is written by Marc Andreyko with art by Jeremy Haun and Scott Kollins! I love Kate Kane, i was super excited when I found out she was a lesbian, I was like huzzah for a lesbian in the Batfamily! You would think that by now, I would have learned my lesson about picking up a random issue of a comic, but apparently not. Although I was a lot less lost reading Batwoman #33 than I was reading Batman Eternal #15. Kate Kane is having nightmares of becoming a vampire and attacking her fiance and fiance’s daughter, and since she is currently dealing with the vampire Nocturna it could happen. I really want to check out Batwoman #34 when it is out to see what will happen next!

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