Greetings readers, I’ve finished reading Harley Quinn Invades Comic Con International San Diego #1 so here is my glowing review for it! Harley Quinn Invades Comic Con is written by Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti, with art by many amazing artists such as Javier Garron, and Damion Scott!
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I love Harley Quinn she is so much fun, but I gotta admit I like her so much more when she is not with the Joker, he holds her back, she really shines when she is with Poison Ivy or on her own. There is a great scene in this comic where Harley is told that the Joker has been asking for her and she is sent to a room where he is supposed to be waiting for her. The room is filled with guys cosplaying the Joker, and boy is she happy to see them! I laughed out loud when I saw the next panel, she leaves the room and they have all been ravaged and their make up is running and every Joker there is totally blissed out!
At one point in the comic Harley is walking down the street and a limo full of Harley Quinn cosplayers asks her to join them for a night of fun creating chaos and mayhem. She gets them arrested and almost thrown in jail after she got their limo hit by a train! In her defense, she didn’t mean to shoot that cop in the butt, she stole his gun and held him and his partner up, but she was just playing around, she thought they were strippers and that the gun was fake. My favorite part of the comic though, was the second time i laughed out loud, when she met Bruce Timm and Paul Dini at the end of Comic Con. Harley pushes right past Stephen Amell (Oliver Queen on Arrow) to beg Bruce Timm for his autograph exclaiming that he is her hero. He agrees and then introduces her to Paul Dini, and she can’t believe they know her name, (of course they think she is just cosplaying Harley Quinn). For those of you who don’t know, this is funny because Bruce TImm and Paul Dini created Harley Quinn for Batman TAS.
In summary, this comic is awesome and very funny make sure to pick and read a copy of it soon! Stick with Caped Crusades for more comic reviews coming up!
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