Guide to Friday Batman Comic-Con Panels!

The epic Geek Mecca event Comic-Con International is coming up this week, and if you’re lucky enough to be there, here’s a list of things you can expect over the course of the con. Since it’s the 75th anniversary of Batman it’s going to be expansive. Here are the panels that will occur, day by day. Today we bring you Friday’s line-up! For Thursday, check out this link here.

"6:30am –  11:00amWB Sails Pavilion – AutographsWB Ticket Draw for autograph sessions at the WB Booth (#4545) The line will form once the doors open to allow Attendees into the building  9:00am –  5:00pmHeroClix Room 15ABLearn to play HeroClix  and see why it is one of the all-time most popular collectible miniatures games! Play as your favorite superheroes (or villains) and create your own titanic battles on the tabletop in true comic book style. 10:00am –  11:00amSpotlight on Neal Adams Room 9Comic-Con special guest Neal Adams (Batman, X-Men, Ms Mystic) is one of the living legends of comics. His impact on the Dark Knight, nearly 30 years ago, paved the way for a darker Caped Crusader, one that echoes in the movies and animated shows that we all love. From being a champion of creator rights to drawing just about every iconic comic book character who ever graced a page, Neal Adams has done it all, and he talks about some of it in this Spotlight panel!  10:00am –  2:30pmAthena Finger Sails Pavilion – AutographsAthena Finger, Granddaughter of Bill Finger co-creator and original writer of Batman  11:15am –  12:15pmDC Comics: Champions of Justice Room 6DEThe New 52 return to San Diego for a star-studded, action-packed panel with David Finch (Forever Evil, upcoming Wonder Woman), Meredith Finch (upcoming Wonder Woman), Van Jensen (Green Lantern Corps),Geoff Johns (Justice League, Superman), Jeff Lemire (Futures End, Green Arrow, Justice League United),Charles Soule (Red Lanterns, Superman/Wonder Woman, Swamp Thing), Robert Venditti (The Flash, Green Lantern) and others. Join the creators of DC Comics’s most powerful and influential heroes and heroines for a sneak peek at what is to come for these champions of justice! 12:30pm –  1:30pmBatman in the ’80s and ’90s Room 5AB2014 marks the 75th anniversary of Batman, but also several other anniversaries for the character. It’s the 100th birthday of writer Bill Finger who wrote many of the character’s adventures through the 1960s, and is responsible for many additions to the legend and some of the Dark Knight’s most infamous villains. It’s the 50th anniversary of the “New Look” Batman, which started in 1964 under editor Julius Schwartz and including artist Carmine Infantino’s interpretation of the Caped Crusader, which saved Detective Comics from possible cancellation. And it’s the 25th anniversary of Tim Burton’s Batman movie, which brought the character back to a whole new audience, in a new-and much darker-form. Comic-Con special guest Denny O’Neill (writer/editor,Batman, Green Lantern/Green Arrow) will moderate fellow Comic-Con special guests Chuck Dixon (writer,Batman, Airboy), Kelley Jones (artist, Batman, Deadman), Graham Nolan (artist, Detective Comics, The Phantom, Joe Frankenstein), and Brian Stelfreeze (artist, Shadow of the Bat, Daymen) in a discussion on how they kept the world’s greatest detective going strong through the ’80s and ’90s. 1:45pm –  2:45pmDC Comics-Batman: The Eternal Dark Knight Room 6DEEven after 75 years of stories, the Bat-family comics couldn’t be any hotter! Join the talent behind the Dark Knight for an exclusive look at what’s in store for the World’s Greatest Detective. With Marc Andreyko (Batwoman),Brian Buccellato (Detective Comics), Greg Capullo (Batman), Pat Gleason (Batman and Robin), Greg Pak(Batman/Superman), Scott Snyder (Batman, Batman Eternal), Peter Tomasi (Batman and Robin) and others, there has never been a better time to walk the streets of Gotham City!   3:00pm –  4:00pmDC Comics: The Multiversity Enrollment Room 6DEUPDATED: Sat, Jul 12, 09:35AMIt’s open enrollment for the biggest adventure in DC Comics’s history: THE MULTIVERSITY! Visionary writer Grant Morrison, Cameron Stewart and a cast of unforgettable characters from 52 alternate Earths of the known DC Multiverse present a behind-the-scenes look at the cosmos-spanning, soul-shaking series that asks the question “How safe is your head?”  4:15pm –  5:15pmDC Comics: No Boundaries! Room 6DEPrepare to redefine your definition of hero! The status quo of your favorite characters is jettisoned for a new beginning as Grayson, Teen Titans, and Harley Quinn bring a fresh and gritty edge to DC Comics. Join the talent behind this group of new comics-Amanda Conner (Harley Quinn), Tom King (Grayson), Jimmy Palmiotti(Harley Quinn), Sean Ryan (New Suicide Squad), Tim Seeley (Grayson) and others-in a panel that is unlike any out there."

Friday is a little lighter in the Batman area than Thursday is, but you can bet the off-site stuff is pretty crazy that night. Tomorrow we bring you Saturday’s schedule break-down.

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