SDCC 2014: Get A Free Sketch From Jim Lee

Here’s a small warning, though: if you want a free sketch from the superstar artist and DC co-publisher at Comic-Con, be prepared to work for it a little bit.

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As Jim Lee explains in the DC All Access video below, he’s given away free sketched before using social media to set up scavenger hunts. Similar to the way various pro athletes have used Twitter to give away free tickets to their games, Lee did sketches, hid them in public places and then used his social media accounts to send out pictures of the general locations where he stashed his work.

It sounds like he may simply be handing out the 50 sketches — in honor of his upcoming 50th birthday — he’s done ahead of time for SDCC at his spotlight panel in Room 6 DE on Sunday morning at 11:15 am. Still, don’t be surprised if he comes up with something to make all of his fans dance while he plays puppet master for his own amusement.

Just kidding, I think. I’ve met Lee briefly at an autograph signing and he seems like a genuinely nice guy.

Watch the whole video for more on the Comic-Con program cover, which he drew, how he prepares for the big show (hint: he tries not to prepare), and more.

(via CBR’s Robot 6)