Happy Batman Day!

I used to think that only governments could declare holidays, but that was before DC decided that July 23, 2014 was going to be Batman Day. And let’s be honest about this: if any fictional character deserved his own holiday, Batman has to be one of the top five candidates, at worst.

Like Christmas, Batman Day is a gift-giving occasion, except that in this case, it’s DC giving gifts to all of us. Some of the stuff you’ll find at your LCS will be free, while a lot will cost you something, but at least you’ll be honoring the Dark Knight for his 75 years of service to Gotham City.

I’ll be heading out later this morning with my son to celebrate on the front lines of this holiday, as it were, at Comix Connection in Mechanicsburg, PA. You’ll want to do the same, and you’ll definitely want to visit our sister site Caped Crusades at least three or four times, because they’ll have all kinds of good stuff going on.

And why should it stop with just this one observation? The stretch between July 4 and Labor Day is pretty barren when it comes to holidays, so DC might as well just say every July 23 from here on out is Batman Day. We can codify the traditions later, so long as they involve proving that criminals are a cowardly and superstitious lot (note: don’t actually do this).

Alas, I doubt Bruce Wayne is going to do anything special at all, because that guy keeps Batman Day in his heart all year long. Have fun today everyone!