SDCC 2014: Laryngitis Forces Stan Lee Out Of Comic-Con Apearance

Considering that he’s now in his 90s and has to save his strength for cameos in all those Marvel movies scheduled for the rest of the decade, Stan Lee has earned the right to cancel appearances when he’s not feeling well.

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Unfortunately, it just so happens that the appearance he canceled today was at the biggest pop culture event of the year. The Hollywood Reporter had the scoop earlier today, reporting that Lee would not appear at Comic-Con due to a bout of layngitis.

The comics legend was scheduled to sign autographs at the Marvel booth on Saturday from 2 to 2:30 pm. As THR noted, this is one of the very few Comic-Cons he’ll actually miss.

Marvel was obviously anticipating heavy demand for Lee’s signature, making his Saturday session one of those that required an advance ticket given out at the booth as soon as the show floor opened in the morning. That won’t ne necessary now, but the good news is that Lee should be fine in the greater scheme of things.

“Stan is otherwise well and in good health, though he is disappointed to miss the event and wishes everyone a great time,” his spokesperson told THR.

(via CBR’s Robot 6)