SDCC 2014: Thursday Attendees Get Captain America, Black Widow Age Of Ultron Posters

You didn’t honestly think Iron Man and Scarlet Witch were going to stop a horde of Ultron robots on their own, right?

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Following the pair of Avengers: Age of Ultron posters given to people who came to the Comic-Con International preview night on Wednesday, Marvel gave away two new posters to attendees on the first full day of the show. This time, it’s Chris Evans’ Captain America and Scarlett Johansson’s Black Widow being put to the test, courtesy of the folks at Movieweb who managed to snag them:

It sure looks like we’ll be seeing a vision (some pun intended) of Ultron that is similar to the one from the Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes cartoon, where there were a bunch of robot bodies created by the good guys to help out before Ultron turned them to his task of ridding the world of human life.

Like the first two posters, these were the work of artist Ryan Meinerding. I think it’s pretty safe to say there are more coming with Thor, Hulk, Hawkeye, Quicksilver and the Vision, and maybe one final one that shows the prime Ultron body. That would make two for each day of the show, and anyone fortunate enough to get them all would have one massive battle raging on their wall.