The Death Of Superman Lives Gets A New Trailer

“Wait a second,” you’re saying. “There was never a movie called Superman Lives!”

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And you’re absolutely right about that. However, it wasn’t for the lack of trying on the part of huge Superman fan Nicolas Cage. During the dark time between Superman IV: the Quest for Peace and Superman Returns, Cage came arguably the closest to getting a new film about the Man of Steel film off the ground, though the process — which included an original script by Kevin Smith and had Tim Burton interested in directing at one point — turned into a debacle.

Once you see the new trailer for The Death of Superman Lives: What Happened?, a documentary that is currently in a crowdfunding campaign to get the money it needs to be completed, you just might end up thinking it’s a good idea that the movie never came together. Producer and director Jon Schnepp talks to Burton, Smith, Grant Morrison and a bunch of people involved with the doomed film and finds plans for the most unusual Superman suit ever, a Brainiac that looks like a giant spider, and a bunch of other weird ideas, admittedly mixed in with some promising bits as well.

As Polygon notes, Superman Lives spent so much time in development hell and changed hands so many times that it’s hard to assign blame or credit to any particular people. Regardless, this is one documentary that comic book fans should be cheering to reach its funding goals, because this is one “What if?” question that is just too interesting to go unanswered.