SDCC 2014: Marvel Reveals Spider-Man Unlimited Video Game, Coming In September

UPDATE (July 26): Thanks to today’s Marvel Games panel at SDCC, we now know that Spider-Man Unlimited is an endless runner, but with a story mode and a special event mode that are separate from the endless mode. It will also have unique boss battles. The original post follows.

Most of the talk during Friday’s Spider-Verse panel at Comic-Con International was about the upcoming comic book event of the same name and the many mini-series and tie-ins it will have. But there was an announcement that should make gamers sit up and take notice too: a new game called Spider-Man Unlimited is on the way in September, promising the most different Spider-Man characters of any video game ever.

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Not to be confused with the animated series of the same name, Spider-Man Unlimited will have 23 playable Spider-Men at launch, with more to follow. It will also tie-in with the Spider-Verse comic event, which starts in earnest in November.

Each of the Spider-Man characters in the game will have their own different abilities and skills, and considering the wide range of characters from alternate worlds that will be featured in the comics, there should be one (at least) to suit anyone’s play style and personal taste.

Watch for more details on Spider-Man Unlimited, including little details like platforms and release date, as we get them.