Marvel: Avengers Alliance Gets Guardians Of The Galaxy Spec Op

Talk about some fortuitous timing. Marvel: Avengers Alliance has a new Spec Op that is now live for the Facebook game, and it stars the Guardians of the Galaxy. Right before their movie comes out! Coincidence? I think not!

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So the deal is that if you play through and complete the Spec Op, you can unlock Star-Lord as a playable character and his exclusive new weapons. I’m thinking they mean his element guns, but those Kree machine guns he used to carry would also be pretty awesome. There are three stages to complete, with villans like Nebula, Black Dwarf and Supergiant to overcome, as well as 25 total tasks until you can unlock Mr. Quill.

And if you simply can’t wait that long to add some Guardians flavor to your Avengers Alliance team, Groot can be recruited right now for 90 Command Points, bringing his Biocommunication and Flora Colossus powers to your side. He joins his old buddy Rocket Raccoon, who’s been in the game for a while.

To help your quest, you can claim 20 Black Unstable ISO-8 for following an email link, and if you know what that means, you are probably a regular player.

You can’t fault the devs for taking advantage of this cross-media marketing opportunity. Help reward them for exploiting this synergy by logging in at today.