Guardians Of The Galaxy: The Universal Weapon Gets Price Drop

As if you didn’t have a million reasons to be jealous of the people attending San Diego Comic-Con last week, the people in the Marvel Games panel all got the Guardians of the Galaxy: The Universal Weapon mobile game that is normally $4.99 for free. It’s like the rich getting richer.

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Never fear, though, because to honor the release of Guardians of the Galaxy in movie theaters, The Universal Weapon has received a price drop. For a limited time, everyone can grab it from the iOS App Store, Google Play for Android and the Windows Phone Store for just $1.99.

I reviewed the game in detail elsewhere, but the tl;dr version is that it’s a very fun game with a story by writer Dan Abnett. It starts out with the Guardians of the Galaxy characters from the film but also has numerous other heroes and villains you can add to your team, and it’s got a simple but compelling mix of action and strategy. Plus the caricature-style art is cute (don’t tell Rocket I called him that though).

My only wish is that it was longer, but more content is on the way. I guess you could add cheaper as a second wish, but Disney Interactive has taken care of that for now. Check it out while the price drop is in effect.