There’s Still Maybe, Possibly Hope Of Getting New York Comic Con Tickets

Not online though. Those passes sold out a few months ago.

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There’s still hope if you want to pick up a ticket the old-fashioned way, meaning buying one in person. ReedPOP has a list of selected retailers you can see right here where you can buy tickets to New York Comic Con starting today, while supplies last — meaning that they might already be gone by the time you read this. Sorry.

Of course, if the demand at the store closest to you is anything like the Midtown Comics location experienced in NYC, you were doomed from the start unless you were waiting in line, possibly overnight.

In any case, some stores are selling only specific kinds of tickets, so be sure to check that site to see what’s what. Your best bet might be the lone locations in Boston and Illinois, simply because they are farthest from New York. But even then I’d get going right now if I were you. That’s the kind of big deal NYCC has become.