DC Addresses Release Date Change for Dawn of Justice

Entertainment Weekly’s Jeff Labrecque had a discussion with Warner Bros President of domestic distribution Dan Fellman about the recent decision to change the opening day of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and the announcement of several new untitled DC films through 2020. Here’s a brief look at what Fellman had to say about the announcements:

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"“The reality now is there really isn’t a bad week to open a movie,” says Dan Fellman, Warner Bros.’ president of domestic distribution. “If you look at the summer box office this year, you can see that there were so many movies, one after the other. You can start with Spider-Man, two weeks later Godzilla, and then Maleficent, and then Edge of Tomorrow, and then Jump Street and Transformers. And the one thing they all had in common, not one of them did over $250 million. We’ll be the first one up [in 2016], which is very important, and we’ll have six weeks before Captain America comes in.”"

Read Jeff’s full article on the Entertainment Weekly website. When Warner Bros made the announcement that they were changing the opening day of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice the internet blew up as many a Marvel fanboy mocked the announcement, with talk of DC being chicken and being too chicken to go directly up against Captain America 3. Personally I was thrilled when the announcement came, I had been hoping that DC would make what I consider the right decision. Having both movies open the same weekend would only hurt both films and it wouldn’t have been fair to force Marvel to move Captain America 3 since their opening date was set first.

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