Gotham Gazette: Morning Batman News! (8/14)

Good morning, Bat-fans! Here’s a round-up of Batman news that you may have missed!

"Luthor’s Plot in ‘Batman v Superman’ Revealed?Rumors about Batman v Superman‘s narrative are swirling once again in the blogosphere. Now that the fake shooting script nonsense is past us, we’re back to basic ‘true-or-false’ plot rumor time."
"DC Interview with Batman Beyond’s Kyle Higgins and Alec SiegelI’ve found an interesting article on including an article with Kyle Higgins and Alec Siegel of the Batman Beyond 2.0 comics. Batman Comics on Shelves this Week (8/13)Here’s a peek at what Batman comics hit shelves this week! Where in the World is Gotham City?Unlike Marvel, whose entire universe is either in space or somewhere in New York, DC creates fictional cities that stand in for their real life counterparts. They don’t necessarily replace their inspiring cities, just give writers a fresh canvas on which to paint that seems familiar to readers."

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There’s a taste of yesterdays news! Check Caped Crusades for yesterday’s trivia, fan art, and more!

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