Caped Crusades Reviews: New Suicude Squad #2

Well folks, I just made another comic shop run earlier today and picked up several more titles to review, starting with New Suicide Squad #2! My hope is to keep up with the New Suicide Squad every month, so hopefully this will be a monthly review I do!

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New Suicide Squad #2 story by Sean Ryan and layouts by Tom Derenick

I don’t think I need to state that issue #2 of the New Suicide Squad picks up where the first left off, but let’s recap anyway. Harley and the Joker’s Daughter hate each other, Vic Sage is now over-seeing Amanda Waller and the team (he is also likely to screw things up royally) and Deathstroke and the Joker’s Daughter are new on the team but are not Belle Reeve inmates, nor do they have bombs in their necks. Task Force-X is sent to Russia to find out about some secret project that the Russian Government is hiding. In issue two we find out the secret project are a bunch of killer robots called Rocket Reds who attack Task Force-X and nab Deathstroke for their employer who is hoping to hire Deathstroke.

Below are my thoughts as I was reading the comic.

I have to say the Rocket Reds remind me of the DC hero Red Star, though my only knowledge of him comes from the original Teen Titans animated series. I am really enjoying the conflict between Harley Quinn and the Joker’s Daughter, obviously I am rooting for Harley all the way! I find myself wondering if this creative team is going to include a romantic relationship between Deadshot and Harley, and what that will look like in this iteration. I really want to know who the Joker’s Daughter is, since she clearly isn’t Duela Dent from Earth 3.

I’m starting to think that Black Manta is going to be a good leader for the team. Normally Task Force-X is very every man for themselves, but he may be able to pull them together, even if it’s only in life or death situations; “do what I say if you want to get out of here alive” sort of instances.

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