Holy Career Highs and Lows Batman its Starring Adam West

We here at Caped Crusades are super excited to bring to you the trailer for the new documentary Starring Adam West!

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Wow I can’t wait to see this, Adam West is one of my heroes and Starring Adam West looks like its going to be a great look at his life .My biggest complaint about this trailer of course is that there is no mention at all of a release date, and is it coming to theaters or straight to DVD? Adam West is such a big icon and legend now that it never occurred to me that after playing Batman his life would be anything less than a success. I just always assumed that he did whatever he wanted in his acting career after Batman and mostly coasted on making appearance to talk shows and conventions to talk about Batman. That’s what I thought as a kid anyway and I guess my attitudes on the subject just never changed when I grew up.

If you happen to know anything about when this cool looking documentary might be coming out please feel free to leave us a comment about it. Caped Crusades will have more information about Starring Adam West as we learn more so stay tuned Batman fans!

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