The Flash Meets Weather Wizard, Arrow In New Trailer

If The CW wants to keep people psyched for the debut of The Flash all the way from now until the first episode hits on October 7 — and yes, I know the pilot is floating around out there already in the digital ether, but no, I’m not watching it until it shows up on TV — the network is doing a pretty good job. Just keep releasing posters, trailers and the like and we’ll keep eating them up.

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The most recent trailer, “The Future Begins,” once again shows us scenes we’ve seen in previous clips, but edited together in a slightly different way that summarizes Barry Allen’s journey to become the Flash in 60 seconds. Highlights include the realization that other people may have received super powers in the accident that gave Allen his speed, including the Weather Wizard, and Barry’s inspirational meeting with a certain Oliver Queen from Arrow.

There’s also something I didn’t catch before: the news report about the accident is being done by Linda Park. Longtime fans know her as the reporter girlfriend and eventual wife of the pre-New 52 version of Wally West.

Given the frequency that these things have been coming out, this likely isn’t the last time we’ll be watching video of The Flash before its premiere, but that’s fine with me. Enjoy!