New York Comic Con Gets Its Own Beer For 2014: Brooklyn Defender

What does one of the biggest comic book and pop culture shows in the country need? How about its own beer, and a corresponding super hero to go with it?

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That’s what New York Comic Con is getting for the third straight year courtesy of Brooklyn Brewery. Its 2014 creation is Brooklyn Defender beer, an IPA that comes with a female super hero of the same name, designed by artist Amy Reeder.

Brooklyn Defender will serve as the official beer not just for NYCC, but for the larger New York Super Week that has sprung up this year to involve more of the city in the festivities. People will be able to taste it for the first time at a release party on September 10 before it represents the city in October.

As to how it tastes, the company’s press release describes it as “red as the setting sun, as brisk as a tornado and as refreshing as Amy Reeder’s ink style.” Beer connoisseurs, you may have to translate that into plain English for the rest of us.

Reeder says her character is a former boxing and wrestling champ who is ready to defend beer. Brooklyn Defender is the first female to go with a New York Comic Con beer, and she does, in fact, look like she’s ready to defend beer, though she also appears to be offering one to the viewer at the same time. Maybe she’s trying to goad you into making a wrong move …

In any case, look for Brooklyn Defender during NYCC and New York Super Week, but remember to con responsibly!

(via Tech Times)