Report: All-New Ultimates And All-New Ghost Rider Both Ending At #12

I’ve always wondered what Marvel is going to do for its next stab at series that already have “All-New” in their titles. Is there going to be an “All-All-New” or “Totally All-New” or “Hyper All-New Ultra” initiative?

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It’s a question that could potentially be relevant next year. Rich Johnston of Bleeding Cool has sources telling him that All-New Ultimates and All-New Ghost Rider are headed for cancellation, with both series wrapping up at issue #12.

I haven’t messed with an Ultimates book in a long time, so I have no comment there except to say that it seemed an odd decision to give a teen super hero team that particular name. As for All-New Ghost Rider, this seemed like a potentially promising take with a brand new (and younger) person becoming the Spirit of Vengeance, but it hasn’t sold well. After debuting with just over 50,000 copies sold in March, it might dip below 20,000 when the August numbers come in.

The silver lining for Ghost Rider fans is that Marvel never seems able to keep that character on the sidelines for too long. The guy with the flaming skull head will be back, eventually.