Hilarious parody of the Milo Manara Spider-Woman #1 variant cover

That’s right folks, as a well valued and legitimatel news organisation based solely on reporting on all things Spider-Man I think we can all accept that I’ve taken this Milo Manara Spider-Woman controversy and I’ve ran with it. Now, a lot of you will be out there thinking to themselves ‘I thought this story had gone away’. But I’m here to tell you that it well and truly hasn’t.

We’ve already had an artistic critique ‘fixing’ Milo Manara’s Spider-Woman #1 cover and we’ve already seen Milo Manara himself responding to the criticism, heck I even found you guys a Halloween costume so that you can be Milo Manara’s objectified Spider-Woman. But now it’s time for some pure and simple parody of the whole shebang!

So the fantastic blogger behind theoatmeal.com has responded to the uproar by drawing the all-male, the often not sexualised Spider-Man in the same position. But naturally he’s exaggerated certain aspects of the picture for comedic effect. Be warned the picture is slightly NSFW, but no more NSFW than this Korean Spider-Man statue

The post was so funny that the icon of all things ‘nerdy’ Wil Wheaton declared that @Oatmeal had ‘won the internet’. Don’t believe me? Well, here’s the tweet to prove it.

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