Could Supergirl Be Flying Onto TV?

That’s the word from Rich Johnston of Bleeding Cool, a man with some of the best sources around. He reports that “DC Comics is actively pitching Supergirl as a TV series,” with Michael Green, a man with both TV and comics experience, attached to the effort.

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We’ve seen the Girl of Steel cross over into other media before, most notably in her own, fairly cheesy 1984 film, and as a character played by Laura Vandervoort on Smallville. This would be different though, as it would put her in a starring role on weekly television and presumably be based on the New 52 version of the character.

And we might as well get this part of the speculation out of the way too: if Supergirl makes it to series somewhere, would it be part of the Arrow/The Flash shared universe? Or would it strike out on its own? Surely it wouldn’t have ties to the DC film universe that’s kicking off in earnest with Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, right?

Those are the types of questions that keep comics fans up at night. Keep this one in the back of your mind in the months to come.