Now this is why you should follow your favorite super hero TV shows on Facebook. Every now and then, they leave you a little present, like this brand new trailer for Arrow Season 3 — which, thankfully, folks uploaded to YouTube so we can share it with you too.
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The opening scene is enough to get longtime fans excited, as it features a multitasking Oliver Queen pursuing criminals on motorcycle while attempting to lock down a dinner location for his date with Felicity Smoak. And sorry Ollie, but not everyone likes Italian (most people do, though).
The rest reduced me to using bullet points:
- Diggle and Laurel Lance, perhaps optimistically, speculate on Team Arrow eradicating crime in Starling City.
- Detective Lance lost his job again?
- Canary is back, musing that she hasn’t been gone that long.
- That Olicity kiss again …
- The new Vertigo confronts Arrow.
- Ray Palmer seems to catch Feleicity’s eye.
- Arsenal takes to the streets.
- And Ollie does know how to use a gun when necessary.
Plus there’s probably more bits in there that I missed. Watch it yourself, follow Arrow on Facebook, and buckle up for the Season 3 premiere on October 8.