Holy Flashback! More Vintage Comic Reviews

Greetings fellow Batman fans, here are a couple more vintage comic reviews for your reading pleasure, Trinity #24 and #30 from 2008 with stories by Kurt Busiek and art by Mark Bagley!

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First of all, I have no idea what is going on in Trinity #24, because it seems to be in the middle of an altered history story line. Morgaine and Enigma are trashing Europe inside some sort of magic force field and there is some group calling themselves the J.S.I. (Justice Society International) opposing the Justice League, though both groups are trying to get a handle on the Europe problem. This is what happens when I pick up random issues of old comics to review, I have to try and figure out what on Earth is going on in the story with nothing but these two comics to go on and they aren’t two consecutive issues.

After reading Trinity issue #30 I have a little bit better understanding of what is going on in this storyline but I am still fairly lost. Morgaine and Enigma are putting together a group of supervillains to represent the Major Arcana of the Tarot (like the cards) in order to alter the entire universe to their wills so that they may rule it. Now it looks like Carter Hall (aka Hawkman) who is currently a member of the J.S.I. is going to put together a similar group in order to oppose them. I’ll be honest, altered timeline stories are a real pain to read like this, when you are just jumping in in the middle, and I’m not even going to be able to finish it as these are the only two comics of this storyline I picked up. I recommend extreme caution when picking up random vintage comics to read.

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