Chris Evans Knows The Entire Story To Captain America 3

Maybe that should be obvious since he is Captain America, but since the third Cap solo film isn’t due out until 2016, it’s not necessarily a given that even the actor who brings Steve Rogers to life would be privy to all the details.

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Yet that’s what he told MTV when it caught up with Evans at the Toronto International Film Festival, which is good if you like teasers and bad if it’s just going to make you squirm impatiently waiting for another year and a half to find out what he’s talking about:

"Marvel doesn’t disappoint. Whatever you’re hoping for, you’re probably going to get."

I’d have to agree with that, with the possible exception of Iron Man 2. Ah, but what if you are hoping to see Bucky Barnes or Sam Wilson, just to pick two guys at random (#WinkyFace) take over as Captain America? Will we get that?

"Don’t take my job from me prematurely dude. I’m sure it’ll happen at some point, all good things have to come to an end. But I’m really happy playing the character."

A lot of the speculation about the identity of Captain America changing hands centered on the fact that Evans signed a six-picture deal with Marvel, and Avengers: Age of Ultron and Captain America 3 would get him to five. But from the tone of this interview and previous ones, it’s not foolish to think that he could keep going on shorter contracts if he was still having fun.

In other words, whatever is going to happen in Captain America 3, don’t be so quick to bury Steve Rogers just yet.

(via MTV News)