Dan Slott’s decision to bring back Doctor Octopus as the Superior Spider-Man may be a contentious one to some, however using Otto Octavius’ Spider-Man to introduce the biggest Spider-Man storyline of the year in the Spider-Verse may have been a stroke of genius on Slott’s part. Besides I wasn’t a part of the Superior Spider-Man arc when it was happening, so it’s nice to get some new Doc Ock Spidey material at the same time as everyone else. Here’s Whatever a Spider Can’s recap of Superior Spider-Man #32 so read that if you haven’t already! But, more importantly, how was the issue?
First of all you may all be wondering how on earth we can be reading yet another Spider-Man adventure with Doctor Octopus behind the mask. Well Superior Spider-Man #32 (and #33) are exploring the time when Otto and Spider-Man 2099 clashed in Superior Spider-Man #19 which saw our Spidey get sent back in time by a temporal energy meltdown at Horizon Labs. This issue is basically bringing us what happened to Doctor Octopus during that time.
Now time travel as a way of bringing back characters is nothing new in comic books where death never seems to be a permanent thing (unless you’re Uncle Ben or Gwen Stacy) however there will be many out there thinking that Superior Spider-Man #32 is a thinly veiled attempt to cash in on a comic book story arc that although having ended is still fairly fresh and popular in most reader’s minds. However, having read the issue, those people surely can’t complain about the narrative of bringing back Otto Octavius’ Spidey because we’re given a great comic storyline that leads up to an event that is all about different dimensions, universes and time-travel.
The issue is extremely fast-paced never dwelling in one place, or on one issue for long. As a result we get a tense, action-packed comic with kinetic and thrilling art alongside it. Writers Dan Slott and Christos Gage and artists Giuseppe Camuncoli and Adam Kubert have all done a fantastic job to bring the world of 2099, as well as the various universes Superior Spider-Man accidentally visits to life in what is, in reality, quite a small amount of page space.
The start of the issue focuses on reestablishing Otto as Spider-Man and reinforcing his sense of superiority, even going so far as to insult the technology of the year 2099 as inferior to his intellect. This is a fun opening gambit as we see several of Spider-Man 2099’s key players like his brother Gabe, Tyler Stone and even small cameos from The Specialist and Venture. With Spider-Man 2099 now trapped in the present day it’s good that we get to see some of the 2099 universe through Superior Spider-Man’s eyes.
However it isn’t long before Superior Spider-Man starts time-hopping and reality hopping in order to try and get back to his own time and universe and it’s at this point that the introduction to the Spider-Verse really kicks in. We see several different universes that act as both fan-service and crucial Spider-Verse build-up at the same time with deceased Spider-Men from several different recognizable comic book events like M-Day and the Civil War. This all takes place in only two pages but it helps to really sell the threat of Morlun (and Karn) who seem intent on taking out all Spider-Men.
Rather interestingly we get key hints that Doctor Octopus may be more of a hero than even he realized. First of all there’s the rather touching revelation that he’d changed his holo-agent to resemble Anna Marie, the women he loves and for whom he would at some point in time sacrifice his place in Peter Parker’s body to save her. But more importantly Otto seems to be a crucial part of the Spider-Verse, leading the charge and taking part in the fun ‘assembling a team’ trope that made the first Avengers film such a success. We also see Otto dramatically save two different Spider-Men in the nick of time. Basically it’s nice to see Superior Spider-Man still doing good.
Now, like I’ve mentioned I didn’t read the Superior Spider-Man arc so this issue had nothing in the way of nostalgia or bringing back a familiar face to offer me. However it did have the heavy task of selling me on the Spider-Verse, which is a storyline that could end up going terribly wrong if the people involved aren’t careful. When you mess around with time and space and alternate universes there’s a lot of pressure to get things right. So, with all that in mind, let’s just say that after reading Superior Spider-Man #32 I am now fully on-board for the Spider-Verse and cannot wait for it to start. I think that says all you need to know really.
Check out Whatever a Spider Can’s other Spidey comic book recaps and reviews
Amazing Spider-Man #1 recap, and review
Amazing Spider-Man #2 recap, and review
Amazing Spider-Man #3 recap, and review
Amazing Spider-Man #4 recap, and review
Amazing Spider-Man: Learning to Crawl #1.1 recap, and review
Amazing Spider-Man: Learning to Crawl #1.2 recap, and review
Amazing Spider-Man: Learning to Crawl #1.3 recap, and review
Superior Spider-Man #32 recap
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