Japanese Police Give Okay To Chibatman

If you dressed up as Batman and rode around on a three-wheeled motorcycle in some parts of the U.S., there’s a chance you’d be breaking the law. You might not be locked up, but the local police would almost certainly ask you to cease and desist.

Not so for the Japanese Batman of Chiba Prefecture, or Chibatman, as he prefers to be called. The No-So-Dark Knight has already given an interview to the media, and now he’s received a summons from law enforcement: but not to make him stop his ongoing cosplay.

According to CBR’s Robot 6 (who managed a much better translation of this Yahoo! Japan piece than we could do with Google Translate), the police simply inquired whether he knew if his homemade Chibatpod was street legal and if his cape might fly off while he was cruising around.

Hopefully he answered with a snippy,” Have you ever seen Batman’s cape fly off?” Or maybe not, since the police told him he could continue his never-ending battle to bring smiles to the faces of ordinary citizens.

The best part? The police receptionist recognized Chibatman even out of costume. It looks like Bruce Wayne might need to take Chibatman under his wing and give him some advice about keeping his identity secret.