Pre-Order Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes And Get A Free Figure

If you’re a fan of Disney Inifinity and super heroes, and particularly if you have kids, like I do, you have September 23 circled on your calendar and are well aware that it’s bearing down on you fast. That’s the release date for Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes (2.0 Edition), a game whose full title I hereby declare I will no longer type out.

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Anyway, if you’re up for getting the Starter Pack, which includes the 2.0 game, the brand new Disney Infinity Base, Iron Man, Thor and Black Widow figures, two Toy Box Game Discs, a web code card and the Avengers Play Set piece, you should know that if you pre-order the game now (or at least before the 23rd), you can get another figure for free. Yep, four super heroes for the price of three, and some nice options for how to kick some butt as soon as you first fire the game up. That’s a $14.99 value if you take the full retail price of an additional figure.

Here’s the link for you to follow if you want to pre-order; note that while you have your choice of eight different retailers, they aren’t all created equal when it comes to the free figure deal. Amazon’s listing is confusing, and the Disney Store give you a $15 credit toward a future order instead of just shipping you an extra figure, and Walmart throws in some extra digital goodies. Just something to keep in mind.

We’ll have a lot more on Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes in the weeks to come, because my kids aren’t going to allow me not to review it.