Fox Bringing DC’s Lucifer To TV

The latest DC property to head to TV might be its most obscure one so far from comics, yet it’s most famous from religion and literature.

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Entertainment Weekly is reporting that Fox has ordered a pilot for Lucifer, a character who has appeared most prominently in Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman. He’s exactly who he sounds like: a fallen angel and ruler of Hell, though in the pre-New 52 continuity he abandoned his throne and went on to live in Australia and then Los Angeles.

The EW piece sounds like the pilot will pick up a thread from the Vertigo series written by Mike Carey, with Lucifer opening up a piano bar called Lux in Los Angeles. The main theme of his solo book was the exploration of free will and the idea that Lucifer wasn’t evil as much as a being who simply followed his own desires regardless of the consequences, and it will be intriguing if the show can pick up on those subtleties.

He’s also a character who could easily have crossed over with Constantine, but since that show is on NBC, that’s obviously not going to happen. Expect Lucifer to exist in its own self-contained world if it gets ordered to series — one more to add to the DC TV/film Multiverse.