Gotham Reviews From Around the Web

Well folks it’s nearly here, the television premiere of Gotham is only 3 days away! On that note here are some reviews of the show from around the web! The quotes below are just the summations of each review, to read the full reviews please follow the links provided.

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From Forbes Magazine, written by Mark Hughes:

"Review – ‘Gotham’ Brings Batman To TV With Mixed ResultsThe series is trying something very different from what we’ve seen before, and I get what they’re going for. It’s risky, and I definitely see many ways it could go wrong if they screw it up. But I can imagine many ways it could go very right, too. And if the quality of the show can improve so that it’s consistent and maintains the higher standards set by the last portion of the show, there’s a lot of promise here. The first episode wasn’t perfect by a long shot, but it also didn’t fail, and it shows how much potential exists in the premise. I for one want to see them succeed and get it right, because I want to see those shows that are possible if they do live up to the promise of the premise."

Read the full article on Forbes website, here. Next we have a review from Time Magazine, written by James Poniewozik:

"Review: Gotham: No Batman? No Bat-Problem!OK, this too is a variation on an old story. Gotham is not reinventing the dark cop show, or the dystopian drama, or the superhero genre. But it combines them in a way that’s invigorating–and, honestly, it’s probably better than a new series with this built-in fanbase needed to be.I’m not sure I’ll be watching Gotham every week: I wasn’t looking for a new cop drama, and I’m not a part of the aforementioned fanbase. For all that, I found the first hour of Gotham a surprisingly interesting place to visit. You just might want to live there."

Read the full article on Time’s website, here. This next review is from USA Today and is written by Patrick Ryan:

"‘Gotham’ puts Batman spin on cop seriesTackling such sacred property on network TV has proved intimidating, McKenzie says, but as DC Comics chief Geoff Johns advised him, ” ‘You got to make it your own. Anything you do is going to be criticized, (so) don’t go to the message boards.’ ”It’s also been a tricky balancing act for the writers, who are tasked with serving “two audiences equally well: the vast audience that likes Batman but is not a Batman freak, and the audience of fans that have a genuine devotion to the world,” he says. “Everyone involved understands the depths of people’s passion for these characters and I want them to know that we’re doing the best we can with the utmost respect for their expectations.”One person unfazed by fan chatter is Mazouz, sitting on the steps of the ballroom in a T-shirt and shorts before he suits up for the shoot. A lifelong Batman fan who’s grown up watching the Christopher Nolan franchise, he compares the show’s solemn, ominous tone to that of the Dark Knight trilogy and says he’s looking forward to the upcoming Batman vs. Superman movie.And though he may not actually get to don to the Batsuit, playing young Bruce does have its perks, Mazouz says: “I’m excited to know that I’m going to grow up to be Ben Affleck.”"

You can see the full article on the USA Today website, here. The last review I have from you is from SFGate, which is a San Francisco newspaper, and the article is written by David Wiegand:

"‘Gotham’ review: A wholly different view of BatmanWhile other comic book shows try to replicate the fantasy of the source material at every level, “Gotham” tries to walk a thin line between realism and fantasy. It seems to work — for now, at least. But you have to wonder about the challenges the series will face once those larvae become full-fledged, whackadoodle villains. Trying to have it both ways is courageous, but courage doesn’t guarantee success."

The reviews may be mixed but we’ve only got three more days before the pilot airs and we can all decide for ourselves if Gotham is going to be all that we hoped for. You can also be sure that I will be writing up my own review of the Gotham pilot shortly after it airs!

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