As Predicted, Gwen Stacy Spider-Woman Helps Edge Of Spider-Verse #2 Sell Out

In the least surprising news to hit super hero comics in recent memory, Marvel has announced that Edge of Spider-Verse #2 took less than 24 hours to sell out completely from distributors. It’s heading back for a second printing right away.

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My lack of shock has to do with the fact that the issue stars Gwen Stacy as her world’s Spider-Woman, a concept that was guaranteed to succeed unless it was horribly botched, as Spider-fans love Gwen. It also confused poor Stan Lee, who thought Marvel was replacing Peter Parker with Gwen Stacy in the main Marvel Universe.

I haven’t read the issue myself, but the consensus online is that it’s actually quite good, which is great to hear. We’ll be seeing more of this Spider-Woman in Amazing Spider-Man #9, and, one would think, in other places during Spider-Verse as well.

Look for the second printing of Edge of Spider-Verse #2, by Jason Latour and Robbi Rodriguez, to hit stores on October 29.